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XSetup plugin | 2001-10-17 | 4.0 KB | 146 lines
"FILE"="Xteq Systems X-Setup Plugin 6.0" "TYPE"="6" "COUNT"="5" "UIPATH"="Internet\Internet Explorer\Appearance" "NAME"="Help Menu Options" "LANGUAGE"="VBScript" "VERSION"="2.0" "TEXT 1"="Show Help menu" "TEXT 2"="Show "Tip of the Day" in Help menu" "TEXT 3"="Show "Tutorial" in Help menu" "TEXT 4"="Show "Send feedback" in Help menu" "TEXT 5"="Show "For Netscape..." in Help menu" "DESCRIPTION 1"="To show an item in the Help menu, activate it. To hide it, deactivate it." "DESCRIPTION 2"="NOTE #1: You need to restart Internet Explorer so the changes can take effect." "DESCRIPTION 3"="NOTE #2: If you are using Internet Explorer 5.01, the changes will affect all users. If you are using Internet Explorer 5.0, 5.5, 6.0 or later, the changes only affect the current user." "DESCRIPTION 4"="NOTE #3: In Internet Explorer 5.0, the 'Show Help Menu' option has no effect." "AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems" "CONTACTURL"="http://www.xteq.com" "COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved" "COMMENT 1"="Thanks to hydreux@yahoo.com [mailto:hydreux@yahoo.com] for the correct registry location!" "COMMENT 2"="IE 5.0, 5.01 and 5.5+ options combined together by Neil Turner." ' Paths for all the three different IE versions sPath1="HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions\" sPath2="HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\" sPath3="HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\" ' Get the IE version from here sVer="HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version" ' IE 5.01+ value names sHLP="NoHelpMenu" sTIP="NoHelpItemTipOfTheDay" 'all dword (1 = remove) sTUT="NoHelpItemTutorial" sFED="NoHelpItemSendFeedback" sNET="NoHelpItemNetscapeHelp" ' IE 5.0 value names sTIP2="remove tip of the day" 'all dword (1 = remove) sTUT2="remove tutorial" sFED2="remove feedback" sNET2="remove netscape help" Sub Plugin_Initialize s=RegReadValue(sVer) if s>"5.5" then ' IE 5.5 / 6.0 i=RegReadValue(sPath1 & sHLP) if i<>1 then SetUIElement 1,true i=RegReadValue(sPath1 & sTIP) if i<>1 then SetUIElement 2,true i=RegReadValue(sPath1 & sTUT) if i<>1 then SetUIElement 3,true i=RegReadValue(sPath1 & sFED) if i<>1 then SetUIElement 4,true i=RegReadValue(sPath1 & sNET) if i<>1 then SetUIElement 5,true else if s<"5.01" then if s<"5.0" then Call Disable() end if ' IE 5.0 i=RegReadValue(sPath2 & sTIP2) if i<>1 then SetUIElement 2,true i=RegReadValue(sPath2 & sTUT2) if i<>1 then SetUIElement 3,true i=RegReadValue(sPath2 & sFED2) if i<>1 then SetUIElement 4,true i=RegReadValue(sPath2 & sNET2) if i<>1 then SetUIElement 5,true else ' IE 5.01 i=RegReadValue(sPath3 & sHLP) if i<>1 then SetUIElement 1,true i=RegReadValue(sPath3 & sTIP) if i<>1 then SetUIElement 2,true i=RegReadValue(sPath3 & sTUT) if i<>1 then SetUIElement 3,true i=RegReadValue(sPath3 & sFED) if i<>1 then SetUIElement 4,true i=RegReadValue(sPath3 & sNET) if i<>1 then SetUIElement 5,true end if end if End Sub Sub Plugin_Apply(ElementIndex,ElementSubIndex) s=RegReadValue(sVer) if s>"5.5" then ' IE 5.5 / 6.0 Call WriteIt(1,sHLP,sPath1) Call WriteIt(2,sTIP,sPath1) Call WriteIt(3,sTUT,sPath1) Call WriteIt(4,sFED,sPath1) Call WriteIt(5,sNET,sPath1) else if s<"5.01" then if s<"5.0" then Call Disable() end if ' IE 5.0 Call WriteIt(2,sTIP2,sPath2) Call WriteIt(3,sTUT2,sPath2) Call WriteIt(4,sFED2,sPath2) Call WriteIt(5,sNET2,sPath2) else ' IE 5.01 Call WriteIt(1,sHLP,sPath3) Call WriteIt(2,sTIP,sPath3) Call WriteIt(3,sTUT,sPath3) Call WriteIt(4,sFED,sPath3) Call WriteIt(5,sNET,sPath3) end if end if End Sub Sub WriteIt(ITM,VAL,PTH) b=GetUIElement(ITM) if b=false then call RegWriteValue(PTH & VAL,1,2) else chk=RegReadValue(PTH & VAL) if IsEmpty(chk)=false then Call RegDeleteValue(PTH & VAL) end if end if end sub Sub Plugin_Terminate End Sub